Artist of the Month: New showcase for NAHS members

Madeline Pulliam

Art aficionado: Senior Mae Tomar is featured in October’s Artist of the Month showcase. NAHS created this showcase for artists to be displayed in the main lobby.

By Maddie Pulliam and Emily Scheer, Staff Reporters

The National Art Honors Society (NAHS) has begun a new showcase for displaying the artwork of Conestoga’s new Artist of the Month. The showcase can be found in the main lobby for students to look at when they walk into school. In September, the first recipient of the spot in the showcase was senior Avery Taylor. Following Taylor as the October artist, senior Mae Tomar earned a place in the showcase. This showcase advocates for the arts in the school by showcasing the students’ talents to other students and the community.

“It (the showcase) means a lot because I put a lot of effort into it. It’s really nice to have the opportunity to display it, and it’s really fun. I was able to take my work from throughout the years and put it together and see how much I’ve improved and changed,” Tomar said.
After gaining permission from administration to use the space in the lobby, art teacher and NAHS sponsor Leanne Argonish and NAHS members began putting together the showcase for Artist of the Month. Currently, students can voluntarily enter the running by submitting artwork through a OneDrive folder. If Artist of the

Month becomes more competitive, then the NAHS officers and Argonish will judge the work.
“We do this annually, and I’ve been part of sponsoring the (NAHS) since probably 15 or 16 years. And it is part of the bylaws of the National Art Honor Society to showcase. This is one of the opportunities for the students to get their work on display, including showcases we do around the school,” Argonish said.
For art students, having their work displayed in the school by the NAHS is a huge accomplishment. The artists get to be recognized for pieces that they have put incredible effort into over their years in high school. They also get the opportunity to have their talent shared with other students and show how important art is for the community.

“It was really cool to be able to show it off because the pieces from sophomore year had just been sitting in my room,” Taylor said.
This showcase has helped get students’ work out there in ways that may not be able to be expressed, according to Taylor. It uncovered talents and allowed the artists of Conestoga to share their art with other students.

“It’s so important for art to be put on display and shared because art really impacts our everyday lives and design impacts everything we do to — from how we brush our teeth to how we perceive the world around us,” Argonish said, “So, if our art is just made in a vacuum in our classrooms, and no one is seeing the talents that happen, it’s kind of like practicing for a beautiful musical and never having the stage performance.”

Maddie Pulliam can be reached at [email protected].

Emily Scheer can be reached at [email protected].