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The Student News Site of Conestoga High School


The Student News Site of Conestoga High School


The Student News Site of Conestoga High School


Spoke policy

Spoke policy


Each school year, the editorial board of The Spoke presents the policy that will guide the paper’s direction. We hope to be as transparent as possible as we continue to cover the T/E community. Our mission The Spoke serves as a public forum for student expression. We strive to objectively cover stories of interest within...

Each school year, the editorial board of The Spoke presents the policy that will guide the paper’s direction. We hope to be as transparent as possible as we continue to cover the T/E community.

Our mission

The Spoke serves as a public forum for student expression. We strive to objectively cover stories of interest within our school and community. We understand our responsibility to report in an unbiased and ethical manner.

The Spoke staff aims to include a diverse range of issues and voices within the paper. While some of the stories within the pages of The Spoke may be considered controversial, our reporters work to investigate the issues with care, precision and impartiality. The Spoke follows the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics.

Publication Dates

The Spoke releases seven print issues a year in October, November, January, February, March, April and June. The paper is printed by Trumbull Printing and copies can be found in the school on publication days, as well as in select locations around the community. Readers who subscribe to The Spoke receive issues mailed directly to their homes. If interested in a subscription, contact our business manager at [email protected] for more information. Our publication is also available on and 

What We Cover

Each issue, staff members collect and suggest timely story ideas to submit to the editorial board for review. The Spoke makes an effort to report the achievements and activities of students, faculty and community members. To suggest a story idea, email The Spoke at [email protected]. The views represented in signed opinion articles are not reflective of the opinions of the staff as a whole. An unsigned editorial represents the consensus of the editorial board.

Our Rights

Our paper is not subject to prior review, meaning the administration does not see the paper before it is printed and cannot censor content unless it is obscene, libelous or would cause a substantial disruption to school activities. Advisers serve as educators and consultants only, leaving the editorial board with decisions on how content will be treated. With all stories, the editorial board considers the journalistic and ethical implications of publishing them. 

Online Presence is a student-run and student-owned website; no district employees are consulted on the content and coverage of or any of its social media platforms. Content decisions are made by the editorial board, specifically our web editors. Social media platforms include and The Spoke’s Twitter, Instagram account, Snapchat and Facebook page.

Your Voice

This year’s editorial board hopes to include more voices from our school and community. To contribute to The Spoke, contact our editorial board at [email protected]. We also welcome letters to the editor with commentary on or concerns about coverage. A letter to the editor addressing content in a Spoke issue will be published in the next issue.


Businesses can support The Spoke by buying advertisements in the paper or sponsoring features like Commitment Corner or Teacher Feature. We reserve the right to reject, edit or cancel any advertisement at any time. Those interested should contact our business manager at [email protected].

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