Familiar faces in the hallways, lunch with friends and sitting in actual classrooms — it’s good to be back in the building with a relatively normal school year before us. However, I would be lying if I said that there weren’t more than a few things that I miss from the days of virtual learning.
At its best, summer homework is an unfortunate paradox. For nine arduous months, we submit homework assignments, meet project deadlines, and study for chapter quizzes. We toil for a proper rest, but to no avail.
The seemingly endless nightmare of a debate between those in support of a mask mandate, pro-maskers, and those opposed to it, anti-maskers (who conveniently call themselves mask pro-choicers), ensued within the T/E School District after the school board issued a mandatory mask mandate following governor Tom Wolf’s similar ruling enforced Sep. 7.
Between juggling homework, extracurriculars and a personal life during the school year, memorizing material for tests becomes a stressor unlike any other.
If your legislators found a loophole in the Constitution to pass a law that damages the lives of innocent people, would you want them to exploit it? Of course not. But that is exactly what Texas government officials did to pass the Texas Abortion Law.
After four years at Conestoga, our senior Spokies are signing off. But before passing the torch to the new editorial board, they’d like to share some final advice
It is Oct. 31; night is descending; and I, age 7, am racing from door to door in fruitful search of Halloween candy. Stethoscope whipping in the wind, plastic orange Jack-o-Lantern in hand and my mother hot on my heels, I am filled with bliss.