On Monday, March 12th, Academic Competition members practiced their knowledge by playing Trivial Pursuit. The board game tests trivia knowledge by letting players role a die and answering questions based on the corresponding tile that they land on. The students matched up in pairs to compete against each other.
Check out some photos below!
Junior Kevin Zhang gestures dramatically. He worked together with senior Juneseo Choi (right) as a team.Junior Richard Li looks thoughtfully onto the playing board of the game Trivial Pursuit. Juniors Shiva Dahagam and Matthew Xu (left to right) laugh while asking a trivia question. The two will be attending the JV Semi-finals match as part of the team representing Conestoga.Seniors RJ Mita and Kiran Rebholz (left to right) gaze intensely at the game board. Both represented ‘Stoga at the Varsity Semi-finals match on Feb. 25.