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The Student News Site of Conestoga High School


The Student News Site of Conestoga High School


The Student News Site of Conestoga High School


From the editors: Thank you and goodbye

From the editors: Thank you and goodbye


by Katherine Lee, Reese Wang, and Sophia Pan, Co-Editors-In-Chief In the fall of 2018, we were but tiny freshmen staff reporters setting foot in Room 280: overwhelmed and more than a little confused, we had no idea how big of a role Spoke would come to play in our lives. Four years later, as we...

by Katherine Lee, Reese Wang, and Sophia Pan, Co-Editors-In-Chief

In the fall of 2018, we were but tiny freshmen staff reporters setting foot in Room 280: overwhelmed and more than a little confused, we had no idea how big of a role Spoke would come to play in our lives. Four years later, as we prepare to graduate high school, we look back fondly on all the memories we have made during our time on The Spoke. From long production nights of candy and stress to joyous issue release dates, there is never a dull moment in the newsroom.

Katherine Lee can be reached at [email protected].

Reese Wang can be reached at [email protected].

Sophia Pan can be reached at [email protected].

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