The Speak, a student run podcast of Conestoga’s student newspaper, The Spoke, has prepared its first edition highlighting the importance of journalism and the exciting careers journalists embark on. Reporters Ben Shapiro, Abbie Preston, Maya Shah and Shreya Vaidhyanathan interview accomplished journalists, whose careers have led them to investigate fascinating cases and write compelling stories for the public. The first guest speaker, former Spoke editor-in-chief Avery Maslowsky, a current journalism student at the University of Missouri, took her experience from The Spoke to investigate many interesting cases, such as the state of Missouri’s fight for Coroner reform. The second guest speaker, former teacher Jerod Dabney, an associate producer of NBC Nightly News, has worked behind the scenes on many news stations and explains the excitement of behind-the-scenes journalism. Geoffrey Harris, a weekend anchor and data reporter for an ABC affiliate station, says that journalism has led him to meet important figures, most notably Michael Jordan. Lastly, former editor-in-chief Meghan Morris, writes tech features and investigates at Business Insider. She emphasizes the importance of the freedom of press and how she investigated the federal government’s cover-ups on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking crimes. To hear more about these inspirational journalists and their exciting stories, check out the podcast down below.
Day 9: “The Speak” podcast
December 22, 2020
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About the Contributors

Abbie Preston, Staff Reporter
Abbie Preston can be reached at [email protected].

Maya Shah, Co-T/E Life Editor
Maya Shah is a senior and the Co-T/E Life Editor of The Spoke. She covers community-oriented topics and specializes in both editorial writing and photography. As Co-T/E Life Editor, she works closely with staff reporters to develop their writing and designs pages 4-7 of all print issues. Outside of the newsroom, she is a captain of the girls’ tennis team and leads Conestoga’s Speech and Debate and Mock Trial clubs.

Ben Shapiro, Editor-in-Chief
Ben Shapiro is a senior and the Editor-in-Chief of The Spoke. He has previously served as the Copy Editor and News Editor. He covers local government, including the school board, with a focus on education. Outside of the newsroom, he lobbies for the New Voices Movement, which aims to secure First Amendment rights for student journalists in Pennsylvania, and leads Conestoga’s Speech and Debate and Mock Trial clubs.

Shreya Vaidhyanathan, Co-Managing Editor
Shreya Vaidhyanathan is a senior and the Co-Managing Editor of The Spoke. In her time at The Spoke, she has served as a Webmaster and the Opinion Editor. In furthering her commitment to journalism, Shreya works closely with the Student Press Law Center to secure student journalists’ constitutional rights and hopes to get the the PA Student Journalism Protection Act passed. She also interns for state Senator Carolyn Comitta, holds a black belt in Tang Soo Do and leads a childhood cancer research fundraiser with Conestoga’s student council.